The Scientific Committee will chair the review of project results, collaborate on scientific publications, and participate in online and face-to-face conferences and seminars at the invitation of Siena University.
The members of the Committee are as follows:

Prof.ssa Teresa Torres
Department of Business Management - Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)
PhD in Business Administration and first prize in the 2000 edition of EADA related management research. Professor in the Department of Business Management at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. She has more than 25 years of experience in the design, planning, and development of multimedia learning resources for formal/informal education. Her research focuses on analyzing the role of public education policies in advancing employability and aligning the higher education system with the requirements of the labor market. She was the coordinator in Spain for the Social class, gender, participation, and lifelong learning project aimed at comparing best practices for social inclusion in the higher education system. She was awarded the Jaume Vicens Vives Distinction in 2016 from the Generalitat de Catalunya for the project "Career and academic guidance at the School of Engineering. Technological innovation oriented towards employability and community engagement", and the Jaume Vicens Vives Distinction in 2020 for the project "Inserlab, career guidance for young people with intellectual disabilities”.

Prof. Christos T. Panagiotakopoulos
Department of Educational and Social Sciences - University of Patras (Greece)
Dr. Christos T. Panagiotakopoulos is a Professor Emeritus with the Division of Natural and Theoretical Sciences and Didactics, of the Department of Educational and Social Sciences at the University of Patras, Greece. He is also a tutor at the Hellenic Open University. He was Vice Rector of Information & Communication Technologies at University of Patras (2014-2016), member of the board of the Institute of Educational Policy (2011-2013) and member of the board of the Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” (2012-2017). He was also Director of CETL – Computers and Educational Technology Lab (, Director of the post-graduate studies program of the Department “Sciences in Education” for several years and Vice-President of the Department.

Prof. Saskia Eschenbacher
Akkon University Berlin (Germany)
Ph.D. in Educational Studies at the University of Augsburg, she is currently Professor of Adult Learning and Counseling at Akkon University Berlin. Her areas of specialisation and research are Adult Learning & Education, Transformative Learning, Counseling, Systemic Therapy. She boasts numerous scientific papers and contributions, countless academic presentations and is Consulting Editor for the International Review of Education - Journal of Lifelong Learning, Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee of the International Transformative Learning Conference, as well as Advisor to the Transformative and Emancipatory Adult Education Network - ESREA (European Society of Research on the Education of Adults).

Prof.ssa Valeria Friso
Università degli Studi di Bologna (Italy)
Valeria Friso is Associate Professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy at the Department of Educational Sciences "G.M. Bertin" of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna. Her research activity concerns the processes of social inclusion, in particular, in relation to adults with disabilities in the valorisation of territorial networks, which she also deals with in national training. The Individual Project topics - from the school-to-work transition, to work integration and independent living - are topics that she has always dealt with in his theoretical investigation in connection with other disciplines such as law and economics. The commitment to the promotion of social participation of people with disabilities is also declined with a specific focus on teaching and learning in situations where there is the presence of people with sensory disabilities. She participates and coordinates research in international projects and carries out cooperation activities.

Prof. Kenneth Sin Kuen-fung
The Education University of Hong Kong (China)
Professor Kenneth Sin Kuen-fung (MH) is the Research Professor in the Department of Special Education and Counselling (SEC), Executive Director of Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education (ISNIE) and Executive Co-Director of Academy for Educational Development and Innovation (AEDI) at The Education University of Hong Kong. He is a renowned scholar in inclusive education locally and regionally in China.